Votive Mass of the Holy Spirit

We invite you to pray regularly for all Friends of the Foundation, for the Delighted and for our initiatives – let them be led by the Holy Spirit!

The Eucharist is the source and summit of every Catholic’s life. It is the most beautiful and most important form of prayer. For the needs of the liturgy, the greatest masterpieces of sacred music were composed. So there is no better way to live our faith and our gratitude than to make the Holy Sacrifice.

We will ask the Holy Spirit to constantly push us in a direction that is pleasing to God, to fill you with all His gifts. That is why we will celebrate a votive Mass with the Holy Spirit. This is an extremely important time of the week for each of us.

The liturgical singing that we chose is taken from Gregorian sources and will have a cantored form (it is the cantor who is responsible for initiating the singing, and the people undertake this singing). That is why we have prepared songbooks for all the faithful, in which scores of both solid and variable parts of the mass can be found (along with the translation). There are also prayers to the Holy Spirit and those that should be said before and after the Eucharist.

We would like to pray together with singing, although Gregorian melodies are difficult. We strongly believe, that with the passing time we will take them in and together we will be able to sing them. You can start learning now – below you will find recordings made for us by Sławomir Witkowski.

Holy masses will be celebrated in the church of Resurrectionists at Łobzowska 10 street, on selected Wednesdays at 6:30 pm. The calendar for the coming months is as follows:

Calendar of Holy Masses

środa, 30 stycznia 2019

godz. 18.30

środa, 13 lutego 2019

godz. 18.30

środa,  27 lutego 2019

godz. 18.30

środa,  6 marca 2019

godz. 18.30

środa,  20 marca 2019

godz. 18.30

środa,  3 kwietnia 2019

godz. 18.30

środa,  24 kwietnia 2019

godz. 18.30

środa, 8 maja 2019

godz. 18.30

środa, 22 maja 2019

godz. 18.30

środa, 12 czerwca 2019

godz. 18.30

środa, 26 czerwca 2019

godz. 18.30

środa, 10 lipca 2019

godz. 18.30