Sławomir Witkowski
He is a musician and musicologist, also a graduate of the Instrumental Department of the Music Academy Karol Szymanowski in Katowice and the Institute of Musicology of the Jagiellonian University, cantor of the parish of St. Jadwiga Śląska in Chorzów, lecturer at the Currency Exchange School in Krakow. Since 1996 he has been leading the male choir Schola Cantorum Minorum Chosoviensis specializing in performing Gregorian chant and early polyphony. Since 2000, together with Magdalena Krzywda, he has been creating the Sapphire duo, which has taken all the glory at the most important poetic song festivals in Poland. He also collaborates with the Scandicus band performing vocal and instrumental medieval music.
Selected discography:
Mariam Matrem Virginem, 2008 (with the female schola Nativitatis)
Alternative Mass in Italian and French liturgical music of the 17th century, 2011 (with organist Susi Ferfoglia and the Flores Rosarum ensemble)
Akatyst in honor of the Mother of God – DVD, 2015 (with Byzantine currency exchange Marcin Abijski and Bornus Consort)
Harmonie Universelle, 2016 (with organist Krzysztof Pawlisz, conducted by Marcel Pérès)
Christmas carols for three-four, 2016 (with Magdalena Krzywda and the band: Michał Wierba, Piotr Flis, Hubert Kowalski, Łukasz Kurzydło)