Michał Wilk
Biblist, editor, translator, programmer. He studied modern languages at the Jagiellonian University, ancient languages and biblical studies – at the Pontificia Università Gregoriana and Sapienza Università di Roma, computer science – at the Warsaw Polytechnic.
He is a lecturer at Greek and Hebrew and subjects from the borderline of biblical and classical philology at the Piarist Order Seminary, Redemptorist Seminary and at the Dominican Philosophy and Theology Study.
Twice scholarship holder of the Renovabis scientific foundation (Germany). Since 2009, participates in the project of digitizing ancient Greek manuscripts Ancient Manuscripts (Boston). He is a member of Società Internazionale della Retorica Biblica e Semitica (Rome) and the International Organization for Septuagint and Cognate Studies. The editor-in-chief of the monthly ‘Living Word’. Founder and editor of the BibleNote+ portal (formerly Origgenes+).
He strongly believes in the idea of e-learning education. The first completed e-learning project: “Greek grammar. Introduction to syntax. Boards and multimedia ”(financing: The Young Scientists Foundation at the University of Heidelberg). Currently working on an e-learning system to learn classical Greek based on the grammar of prof. Siebenhalt (Tübingen) and above the BibleNote+ University platform, which will be the first open online biblical university on the network.
Scientific projects and areas of scientific interest: classical and Semitic rhetoric, metaphors of theology of Paul of Tarsus in the context of the policy of the Roman Empire, Corpus Paulinum and Septuagint as ancient translatological projects, manuscripts and textual criticism of NT, NT perception in Coptic and Syrian languages.