Maria Anna Klich
Vocalist, hurdy-gurdy player.
She comes from Poznań, where she graduated from the Academy of Music (piano). She continued her studies at the Academy of Music in Krakow and the Conservatoire National de Region in Lyon (solo singing). She perfected her skills during an annual scholarship at the University of Music in Bucharest and at numerous master classes.
She is a CNR de Lyon scholarship holder.
She has recorded the opera “The telephone or L’amour a trois” by G.C. Menotti for Romanian Cultural Television and Radio Cultural (Romania).
She is permanently associated with the group FLORES ROSARUM, specializing in single-voice music, in particular the singing of St. Hildegard from Bingen, as well as with the early music band FLORIPARI Wawel Musicians. She is the soloist of the author’s Musical Theater IWIA.
As a lyricist, she cooperates with the Krakow Philharmonic and with the following bands: Floripari, Flores Rosarum, San Clemente, Perfugium, Jesuit Academic Choir, Octava Ensemble.
She took part in numerous hurdy-gurdy workshops.
Furthermore, she teaches voice emission as part of the Postgraduate Studies in Liturgy Monody (UPJPII). Teaches voice emission and ear training at the Benedictine Abbey in Tyniec. As a teacher, she also collaborates with the Gaudete choir.
She has performed in Poland, France, Romania, Algeria and Lithuania.