s. Susi Ferfoglia

She is a Doctor of Humanities, she has also a postdoctoral degree in instrumental studies. She graduated from the Music Conservatory “G. Tartini” in Trieste and studies at the Academy of Music in Krakow. Moreover, she is a graduate of the Ignatianum University of Philosophy and Pedagogy and the PAT Liturgical Institute in Krakow. S. Susi Ferfoglia gave concerts at organ festivals in Poland, Italy and Slovenia. She collaborated with the bands Capella Cracoviensis and Collegium Zieleński. He works at the Archdiocese Music School and the Intercollegiate Institute of Church Music UPJPII in Krakow, leading the organ class and classes in Gregorian singing. Since 2007, she has been running the female vocal group Flores Rosarum performing Gregorian singing and songs by Saint Hildegard of Bingen.