Marta Kierska-Witczak
She is a graduate of music universities in Wrocław (diploma with distinction, 1990) and Bydgoszcz, she is a professor of musical arts (2011). Moreover, she is a Head of the Department of Church Music at the Music Academy Karol Lipinski in Wrocław, where she supervises teaching in the field of church music and conducts management of nationwide symposia and workshops in the field of church music and choral music.
She is a juror of international and national music competitions, head of the International Choir Conducting Tournament IN POLYPONIA PAGE (since 2008), coordinator of the Lower Silesian Science Festival (2008-13).
She has cooperated with groups in many European universities in Germany, Italy, Bulgaria, Spain and Croatia, Romania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, also in Belarus and Lithuania, as well as with various choirs of Wrocław with which she has won in Polish and European festivals and competitions highest rewards. In the years 1993-2015 she was the artistic director of the Chamber Choir of the Wrocław University of Technology Consonanza, with whom she conducted several hundred concerts with a diverse program – from medieval monody to contemporary vocal and instrumental forms; taking part and winning high prizes (also individual prizes) during numerous music competitions (Poland, Czech Republic, Austria, France, Macedonia, Germany, Portugal, Hungary, Great Britain, Italy, Belgium, France). Graduates of her choirs sing on professional stages of Poland, Europe and the United States.
Working in the authorities of the Association of Polish Church Musicians, she is involved in raising the level of Polish liturgical music – she leads bands, specialized workshops, initiates concert cycles and festivals, prepares a team of young conductors and organists, restores the performance of forgotten works of musical literature preserved in the monasteries of former Silesia, she is the author of numerous articles in the field of choral music performance.